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Course Requirements 

The General Education program at the University of Maryland requires 40-­46 credits, thought some units may be double counted. 

15 credits/5 courses

Fundamental Studies courses ensure that students have the basic skills in written and oral communication and in mathematical analysis that are critical to their success across the curriculum and in their professional lives. 


Academic Writing (FSAW)

  • AP/IB exemptions are allowed
  • 3 credits 
  • Requires C- or better

Professional Writing  (FSPW)

  • 3 credits



Oral Communication (FSOC)

  • 3 credits



Math (FSMA) 

  • AP/IB exemptions are allowed.
  • If a student passes an Analytic Reasoning course that requires Fundamental Studies Math as a prerequisite, the Math requirement has also been fulfilled. 
  • 3 credits

Analytic Reasoning (FSAR)

  • If a student passes an Analytic Reasoning course that requires Fundamental Studies Math as a prerequisite, the Math requirement has also been fulfilled.
  • 3 credits

25 credits/8 courses

Distributive Studies courses provide students with a breadth of knowledge and disciplinary diversity. Requirements:

  • 2 courses must be from each area.
  • 2 courses must be I-­‐Series courses.
  • Only 6 courses can be from AP or IB credit.
  • While a course may be approved for more than one Distributive Studies category, a student may not use one course to meet more than one category requirement. The student may select the preferred category. 


History and Social Sciences (DSHS)

  • 6 credits

Humanities (DSHU)

  • 6 credits

Natural Sciences (DSNS/ DSNL)

  • At least one course must have lab component.
  • 7 credits

Scholarship in Practice (DSSP)

  • In Scholarship in Practice courses, students engage in authentic work of a particular field of study. They learn and practice skills of critical evaluation and participate in the process of applying knowledge in the pursuit of a tangible goal. 
  • At least one course must be outside the major and all major requirements.
  • 6 credits

6 credits/2 courses

I-­Series courses engage students in broad, analytical thinking about contemporary problems and the enduring issues of human existence. 


I-Series Courses (SCIS)

  • Imagine. Investigate. Innovate!       
  • All students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved for I-series courses.
  • 6 credits*

* indicates that units may be double counted

4-6 credits/2 courses

Diversity courses promote self-­‐understanding and understanding of others; sharpen students’ awareness of the consequences, intended and unintended, of previous generations’ decisions and, by doing so, alert them to the significance of their own choices. Requirements:

  • 2 Understanding Plural Societies courses or 1 Understanding Plural Societies course AND 1 Cultural Competence course are required.
  • The Understanding Plural Societies (UP) and Cultural Competence (CC) courses may also fulfill Distributive Studies categories.


Understanding Plural Societies (DVUP)

  • Understanding Plural Societies courses examine how diverse cultural and ethnic groups co-­exist. 
  • 3-6 credits* 

Cultural Competence (DVCC)

  • Cultural Competence courses help students develop skills to succeed in a diverse world. 
  • 0-­3 credits* 

*indicates that units may be double-counted with distributive studies

Note: Students are not required to take a Cultural Competence course. 

Experiential Learning offers students the opportunity to participate in independent studies fulfilled through internships, research, study abroad, or community-­service learning.  

  • Students may receive up to 3 credits toward a Distributive Studies category from an approved outside-­the-­classroom learning experience. 


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