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Teaching Teamwork and Collaboration

Are you ready to use team projects in your course? Use these resources to guide your teamwork design and to assess students' gains in collaboration skills.

For Scholarship in Practice courses - these resources will be useful in meeting the learning outcome: Collaborate in order to bring about a successful outcome:

Rubric for teaching collaboration skills

Are you ready to use team projects in your course? Check your team work design with these criteria.

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Resources for Teaching Collaboration Skills

Criteria and levels of expectation for assessing student work

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Collaboration rubric

This rubric, one of the General Education Assessment Rubrics, may be applied to any course with a collaboration/teamwork learning outcome.

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Using the Collaboration Rubric to Assess Student Learning

How to assess the team process, team accountability and team climate

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These materials were prepared by an ad hoc group whose members were selected by the Office of Undergraduate Studies for their experience in teaching with team projects: Erica Estrada-Liou (Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Melissa Hayes-Gehrke (Astronomy), Madlen Simon (Architecture), Kristan Cilente Skendall (Gemstone), Melissa Del Rios (Office of Undergraduate Studies), Ann C. Smith (Office of Undergraduate Studies), Cynthia K. Stevens (Office of Undergraduate Studies)

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