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I-Series Requirements:

(6 credits 2 courses)*

I-Series is now...Big Question

Beginning in Fall 2024, the I-Series courses will officially be rebranded as “Big Question” courses. The Gen Ed requirements aren’t changing.  Only the name is changing

I-Series is now...Big Question

Academic Colleges Advising Contacts List

UMD Schools and Colleges Point of Contact
Undergraduate Program Advisory Council (UPAC)

January 2, 2023 - to January 3, 2023

Testing Event 3

December 10, 2022

Testing Event 2

November 9, 2022

Testing Event 1

Teaching Teamwork and Collaboration

Are you ready to use team projects in your course? Use these resources to guide your teamwork design and to assess students' gains in collaboration skills.

For Scholarship in Practice courses - these resources will be useful in meeting the learning outcome: Collaborate in order to bring about a successful outcome:

Rubric for Teaching Students Collaboration Skills

Are you ready to use team projects in your course? Use this rubric to assess your readiness for launching a team project in your course. 

Faculty members’ success in stimulating student learning via team assignments rests largely on two issues: (1) purpose--why they seek to use team projects, and (2) implementation--how well they incorporate team assignments into their courses. 

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